Welcome! Hopefully you are here to submit something for our communal chapbook. The purpose of this book is to bring in a bit of revenue to the Dayton Poetry Slam, and to showcase the talented individuals who make this all possible. That’s YOU! <3
Please note: By submitting, you are agreeing to not receive any compensation for your submission.
Themes: No general themes. We want you to submit what you want! You can check out “The Prompts” for ideas, and we will always except a little Political rage, a little Midwest rage, a little city loving. Whatever you feel like writing.
You can submit Poetry, Short Prose/Flash Fiction or Essays, Art and Photography. We will also accept comics if they are shortened, 2 pages at max.
You can submit across multiple mediums, but 3 submissions max per person. This number could change depending on the number of submissions we receive.
Please submit all items in one email.
Multiple submissions do not mean all items will be accepted.
Your submissions do not have to be new and can be previously published items.
All submissions MUST BE original.
Any questions, please refer them to the Dayton Poetry Slam’s submission email created especially and specifically for this project: DaytonSlamSubs@gmail.com and Ayesha will get to them in a -Hopefully- timely manner!
The below MUST BE included with every submission:
Preferred Pronouns (if comfortable/applicable):
Title of Submission:
Date submission was created:
Social Media:
What does the DPS mean to you? 1-3 sentences:
Anything people should know about the submission? 1-3 sentences:
I (Your Name) understand that I will not be compensated for this submission.
Thank you so much! We are very excited to be spearheading this project and cannot wait to see what you all send us!