Welcome! Hopefully you are here to submit something for our communal chapbook. The purpose of this book is to bring in a bit of revenue to the Dayton Poetry Slam, and to showcase the talented individuals who make this all possible. That’s YOU! <3

Please note: By submitting, you are agreeing to not receive any compensation for your submission.

Themes: No general themes. We want you to submit what you want! You can check out “The Prompts” for ideas, and we will always except a little Political rage, a little Midwest rage, a little city loving. Whatever you feel like writing.


  • You can submit Poetry, Short Prose/Flash Fiction or Essays, Art and Photography. We will also accept comics if they are shortened, 2 pages at max.

  • You can submit across multiple mediums, but 3 submissions max per person. This number could change depending on the number of submissions we receive.

  • Please submit all items in one email.

  • Multiple submissions do not mean all items will be accepted.

  • Your submissions do not have to be new and can be previously published items.

  • All submissions MUST BE original.

    Any questions, please refer them to the Dayton Poetry Slam’s submission email created especially and specifically for this project: DaytonSlamSubs@gmail.com and Ayesha will get to them in a -Hopefully- timely manner!

  • The below MUST BE included with every submission:


    Preferred Pronouns (if comfortable/applicable):

    Title of Submission:

    Date submission was created:

    Social Media:

    What does the DPS mean to you? 1-3 sentences:

    Anything people should know about the submission? 1-3 sentences:

    I (Your Name) understand that I will not be compensated for this submission. 

    Thank you so much! We are very excited to be spearheading this project and cannot wait to see what you all send us!