March Open Mic
Join us for an evening of Poetry! Show starts at 7p for only $3! That’s so Reasonable!
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Join us for an evening of Poetry! Show starts at 7p for only $3! That’s so Reasonable!
Join us February 2nd at 7pm for our second open mic of the year.
Join us in welcoming our feature for the evening, Matthew Vaughn! We will have two rounds of open mic as well. Coime out, show out, and enjoy some poetry!
Join us as we celebrate 24 years of bringing poets to Dayton stages! Sign-up starts at 7:30p, for only $3! That’s so reasonable! See you there!
Join us @7:30p for an evening of open mic, plus our feature Shay aka Lily Bard. We'll have two rounds of open mic with our feature right in the middle. We hope to see you there!
As many of you may have heard, Brett Bartlett passed away on June 5th. She was always a source of love and positivity, not just to those of us at the slam, but to many people throughout the Greater Dayton Area.
Come out and celebrate the life of an incredible person!
Join us June 4th for the first Open Mic of June! Come out and show out, and we hope to see you there!
On Friday June 2nd, Dayton Poetry Slam will be at Side A held at Yellow Cab Tavern. We have 14 poets ready to perform. Come out and support us!
Sideshow is Friday-Sunday at Yellow Cab Tavern! There will be music, poetry, vendors, food and drink! We have 1 hr slots on Friday @ 5:30 PM, and Saturday @ 11:40 PM.
We hope to see you there!
Join us May 7th for an evening with Jonathan Brown. We'll kick the evening off with a round of open mic and close the evening with a round of open mic, in between. Jonathan Brown will return to our stage for the first time since 2018.
Happy National Poetry Month! Come out and join us on April 16th for our New Sh*t Slam! We will have an open mic before the slam, as always, and the show starts at 7:30p at Yellow Cab Tavern! Hope to see you there.
Join us for an evening with Columbus poet, Zach Hannah! Come out April 2nd and celebrate the Spring Solstice with some poetry in the city. We will have an open mic before and after the feature, starting at 7:30p @ Yellow Cab Tavern! Hope to see you there!
Come out and join us for the second slam of the year! Open Mic starts at 7:30p and then we will head into the slam! Hope to see you there!
Join us on Sunday 2/5 @ 7:30p, as we welcome Belle Townsend to our stage.
Join us for our first show of 2023 on 1/15, as we welcome Emma Loomis-Amrhein to our stage!
We will have two rounds of open mic, one before the feature and one after. Come out and help us welcome the New Year with poetry!
Join us on 12/4 for our final show of 2022, featuring local poet Sierra Smith! We are so excited to have her on our stage once more. Be sure to check out her newly launched poetry book ‘Mercurial’, which you can find linked on our Good Reads tab. Hope to see you there!
The Anti-Slam welcomes your worst poems for a chance to win a little gas money. Come out, show out, and score low! We look forward to hearing your worst on Sunday 11/20, at 7p.
On Sunday November 6th, the Dayton Poetry Slam welcomes special feature Nikki Allen to bless our stage once again. Open Mic starts at 7pm for just $3! That’s so reasonable!
We hate to do it, but another one of our poets is moving to a new area and we like to say goodbye in style! Wear your favorite Hoodie to say goodbye to Y.
It’s our 10th Anniversary with Yellow Cab Tavern! Come and join the fun with our Monthly Slam and Open Mic night!
It’s the calm before the craziness of Thanksgiving week…why not spend it with us and the final Poetry Slam of 2021. The winner takes home $50. Simple rules:
1) 3:10 time limit
2) no props, costumes, or nudity
3) no musical accompaniment.
There will be an open mic, as well, during this show with a 1-poem limit.
$2 at the door: cash, card, or digital
The first Sunday of the month means open mic night! The sign ups start at 7pm and the show starts at 7:30pm. $2 at the door, either cash, card, or digital. All poetry is welcome, as are musicians.
Oh my…it has been some time, hasn’t it? Well, the wait is over…we’re returning to outdoor shows here at Yellow Cab Tavern! Of course, this is still provided that COVID numbers are low, but social distancing rules are in full effect…BUT LIVE POETRY RETURNS TO DAYTON!
This has been a long-time coming, but we have a live feature at the DPS tonight: Meaca Moore. An amazing poet that you are not going to want to miss. Meaca’s been making her mark all over the Midwest and her latest stop is Yellow Cab Tavern! The show starts at 7:30 with an open mic, as well.
Meaca Moore has been writing as a means of survival since 12 & performing since 15. At 17 she journeyed to the University of Wisconsin- Madison for First Wave, an innovative urban arts full tuition scholarship program. Meaca majored in sociology & has the privilege to travel the country sharing her poetry through features and slams, including the 2012 Rustbelt regional slam where she placed 1st in individuals. Her focus is around reclaiming power & magic of the impoverished black girl through confrontation of self-hate, story-telling & affirmation
The second and fourth Sunday, we host a Discord live chat! This could be a testing ground for new poems OR just a rant/chat with like-minded poets! Just sign up on Discord and search for Dayton Poetry Slam or email Daytonslam@gmail.com for a sign-up link.
Coming up on the 20th, we have another fantastic digital feature: Women of the World Slam Champion, Ebony Stewart is going to be live, via Zoom, at the Dayton Poetry Slam on Sunday. Link even thinks that we’ll still be able to stream the show, as well! You do not want to miss this one. Live in the parking lot of Yellow Cab Tavern with social distancing and mask rules in place. $2 (card or digital currency only, please).
With an unhealthy cupcake obsession & a smile that's half her face. The DIY Queen but don't always trust that she knows what she's doing. Hug game strong. Professional side-eyer. Currently attending Zoom University. Won some awards, talked some shit, thugged it out. Pro Black Women... PERIOD. Ebony Stewart is the story of the black girl winning.
The second and fourth Sunday, we host a Discord live chat! This could be a testing ground for new poems OR just a rant/chat with like-minded poets! Just sign up on Discord and search for Dayton Poetry Slam or email Daytonslam@gmail.com for a sign-up link.
The second and fourth Sunday, we host a Discord live chat! This could be a testing ground for new poems OR just a rant/chat with like-minded poets! Just sign up on Discord and search for Dayton Poetry Slam or email Daytonslam@gmail.com for a sign-up link.
Wow, we haven’t done this one for a while…we have a Feature at the Dayton Poetry Slam and it’s not only a feature, it’s one of the founders of the Slam: Drew Perfilio! Drew will be featuring digitally on the big screen, while we sit back and enjoy! Of course, there will be an open Mic before and after the feature. See you at Yellow Cab Tavern Sunday night!
Drew Perfilio is a concert industry professional living in Chicago, Illinois where he lives with his wife and son. His Chicago credits include membership on a Mental Graffiti National Poetry Slam team and as an organizing member of the PolyRhythmic Arts Collective and Safe Smiles Open Mic. He was an early organizing member of the Dayton Poetry Slam in the early aughts, and was a member of two teams the Dayton Slam sent to the National Poetry Slam. If you are concerned about his politics, he has a dog named Chomsky.
The second and fourth Sunday, we host a Discord live chat! This could be a testing ground for new poems OR just a rant/chat with like-minded poets! Just sign up on Discord and search for Dayton Poetry Slam or email Daytonslam@gmail.com for a sign-up link.
We’ve been talking about it for ages and it’s finally here! It’s the Gem City Regional Slam! Teams from all over have assembled to duke it out! The slams start at 2pm, workshop/registration at Noon, and the finals later on that night!
Passes are on-sale here on the website, $15 all day (including the workshop), or it’s $10 per show!
More info is coming soon!