This Sunday we're back at Yellow Cab Tavern doing what we do the voiceless a microphone and telling them to start spitting the truth!
It's open mic poetry night and we're fixing up some Hot Shit! Bring your A-game because we want to melt the mic by the end!
Also, we're featuring a local author with some amazing words of his own: Bradley K Meyer!
'Bradley K Meyer writes from Dayton, Ohio. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in decomP, DASH, Toad, Superstition Review, Rust+Moth & elsewhere. He is the author of a chapbook, Hotel Room (Vostok East Press, 2013). He edits Pouch Magazine which lives at -- His favorite animals in descending order are: opossum, deer, damselfly, whirligig beetle & tardigrade. More stuff at'