Hey folks, there's something that we need to talk about here!
For the past year, we've survived and paid for our incredible features through a percentage cut of the bar sales at Canal Public...well, there's a problem with that now...you haven't been buying much. Now, that's not a shot against you! We all have to watch things...but Canal is a business.
Well, with decreasing bar sales during the night, we've had re-evaluate how we raise money.
So, with that said, we're asking a $2 donation from you for each show. If you want to give more...then please do so! If you only have $2 to your name that night...buy a water from the bar!
We want to be able to continue to bring these shows to you at a low cost and grow this thing!
So, remember a couple of dollars or we can tack it onto your tab at the end of the night...but remember that we really are a club here and we all need to pay the dues!
Thanks for a great year and for more to come!
Ted, Link, Prophessor X, and Paige